Building a New Church with Living Stones: Looking Back
This page is a celebration of our building history. We look back at the beginning of our campaign in order to celebrate our current success .Our latest status may be found at We Plan to Dedicate the New Holy Angels Church in Spring 2021
Holy Angels Catholic Church began its long awaited campaign to replace its church building at 28th and Martin Luther King Streets in Indianapolis, at the parish's feast day celebration on October 5, 2014. The campaign is entitled "Building the Church with Living Stones"
Then Archbishop Tobin directed Holy Angels Parish to build a modest new worship structure at the site of our former church building at 28th and Martin Luther King Jr. Streets.
to continue and expand our role of serving the near Northwest part of Indianapolis, as part of the greater Catholic Church.
We are working with consultant Dr. Herman Norman, of Generis Church Fundraising Consultants, who supported our campaign to build Holy Angels Catholic School in the 1990s. The internal component commenced pledging and giving in January, 2015, and is soon to conclude its initial goal.
On MLK Sunday, January 17, 2016, Holy Angels parish gathered to celebrate our spiritual and financial progress toward building a new Holy Angels Catholic Church to serve the area surrounding the MLK Corridor on the
near Northwest side of Indianapolis.
Event Photos
As of that First Anniversary of First Fruits, the Celebration held on MLK Sunday, January 2016, there were several floorplan concepts under consideration, each attempting to incorporate current Catholic liturgical guidelines and an optimal seating capacity into the existing building space. At the same time, a couple of external designs were being developed. Then as now, designs were based on a roughly square floor plan with the major entrance at a building corner along MLK, and a "fan type" seating arrangement facing the altar in one corner.
Now that we have established a strong foundation of parish giving, external fundraising is ramping up, under the guidance of Parish Administration.
You can find periodic updates on our financial progress in the latest issue of the ParishBulletin.